

Musical Maturity

The following is an excerpt from my book, Advice for the Modern Worship Musician. We have to be musically mature, much like we are emotionally mature or socially mature. When we were children and adol...

Don't forget what you do

I don’t really mean “Don’t forget how to play [insert instrument goes here].” I’m not talking about what you do in a literal sense, but rather from a philosophical point ...

Stay Organized

I’m sitting here in my studio on an early Monday morning and it almost feels like my head is going to explode. I’ve got so much to do and so little time to do it in. My “list of thin...

Constructing Your Own Monitor Mix

Whether you play professionally, only at bars and clubs, or at church; whether you have dedicated monitor wedges or in-ear systems… You’re gonna have to be your own “sound guy”...

Pulling Ideas from Other Musicians

Sometimes you don’t need to look very far if you’re running out of ideas, because the people you are playing with are giving you plenty of musical advice.

Stage Presence

This almost seems like a silly topic, but you really must take it into consideration when you are a musician. Though you may consider yourself “just a musician,” you are actually a perform...

Dealing with Mistakes

Here’s my opinion on what a mistake truly is.

How many bass players?

I just got back from an awesome weekend at Bass Player Live at SIR in Hollywood, and if you’re not familiar with the event allow me to try and describe it for you: think of the NAMM show but str...

Be Prepared

It’s funny how some things happen, and it’s even funnier that they can happen without you even trying, or without you even knowing about it. I’ll give you an example: About two weeks...