
Lifetime Membership

Interested in a Lifetime Membership at TheBassist.net?

You’ll get access to everything on this site FOREVER and you won’t be charged tuition ever again! Sound interesting? Here’s how to do it:

1. Sign up as an Unlimited Member.
2. Refer two of your friends to sign up for Unlimited Membership.
3. That’s it!

Once your referrals have joined and used your name as their referrer (they’ll be prompted via email upon completing registration), you’ll have continued access to everything on this site and you’ll never have to pay for your membership again. For any questions, send a message to jayme@thebassist.net.

You can of course pay a one time fee of $540 to cover the cost of 3 memberships, but I’d much rather you spread that out to your friends 🙂 But if you’d like to do it that way, just click on the button below:

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