

Grey Eyes

I wanted to try my hand at playing a four-chord pop song; in my own way, of course 🙂 This might be why they don’t let bass players in the writing room.

Sick Lix: Tim Foreman (Selling the News)

I love Tim Foreman. If I could trade places with any bass player in the world it would be him; I love his style, his tone, his voice leading, the fact that he has hair…

Sick Lix: Curt Smith (Head Over Heels)

Donnie Darko is a favorite movie of my wife and I. This song (and the whole soundtrack, really) brought it to life in a way that still give me the feels every time I watch it. I remember my buddy lean...

Sick Lix: Jon Walker (Mad As Rabbits)

This Panic! at the Disco record is one of my all-time favorite records. I love the approach that they took to this album and I think this tune in particular still holds it’s weight since the fir...

Sick Lix: Paul Bushnell (Haven’t Met You Yet)

This lick makes me smile every time. I literally laugh out loud because it makes me feel so good. What I love most about it is how reserved Paul was in placing it in this tune; it’s in the outro...