

Introduction to Arpeggios

Arpeggios may seem difficult given the fancy name, but I promise you that there’s nothing to them and I’ll tell you why in this video.

Three-Letter Words

Spelling a triad is easier than you think; don’t let its appearance of false-complication fool you!

Lesson #5 – Triads

You’ve heard them before, and chances are you even know a lot of them already. Today we’re going to unpack a specific 3-tone chord by learning each of the different types of triads and how...

Lesson #7 – Seventh Chords

Like their cousin, the triad, these chords have a very specific formula that we’ll be dissecting today. Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it seems. If you’re good with your tria...

Lesson #8 – Diatonic Chord Sequences

Sounds complicated, I know, but it’s actually much easier than it sounds. It’s one of those things that’s super easy to think about but impossible to explain or put into 3 words. Wel...

Lesson #11 – Chord Extensions & Alterations

This stuff can get complicated and can also be easily skipped over by people who think, I don’t play Jazz, why do I need to know this stuff?!? Don’t sell yourself short! Don’t be laz...

Bonus Lesson Listening Aids

Listen to the following examples to help train your ear to hear and identify these sounds (you’ll especially need to know them for each Dictation Test that you take). These “aural flashcards” wi...

Finger-Tapping Close-Voiced Chords on Four Strings: Part Three

Let’s apply some of these concepts, and borrow a few from our pals the piano and the guitar, to the 12 Bar Blues. ALSO: Make sure that you’ve already watched Finger-Tapping Close-Voiced Co...

Finger-Tapping Close-Voiced Chords on Four Strings: Part Two

Let’s take it a step further! We’re going to learn how to utilized some of these chords in a concise chord progression. ALSO: Make sure that you’ve already watched Finger-Tapping Clo...

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